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Digital Marketing: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

What is digital marketing

Digital marketing uses digital channels to promote a brand, company, product and attract customers. The goal is to communicate as much as possible with clients on the network, where they spend a considerable part of their time.

Digital marketing is a multifaceted field that can be explored from different angles. This is due to the large number of online channels available for work. For example, a post on social media is the same digital marketing as targeted advertising.

Digital Marketing Tools

In general, digital marketing tools include all kinds of means and activities that allow you to convey information to many people and attract the attention of potential customers to a company, brand, service or product.

To get the maximum effect, more often than not, several instruments are used at the same time. This synergy allows you to reach the maximum target audience and get high conversion. The tools that a digital manager will use depend on many factors: the field of activity of the company, advertising goals, KPIs, characteristics of the target audience, the product being promoted, etc. For example, a different segment will be used for targeting buyers of video surveillance systems than for advertising a flower shop. Let’s take a closer look at what tools exist and how best to use them.

Contextual Advertising

These are various advertisements – text, graphic, video or links – on thematic sites. They are shown to users following their requests, interests and behavior on the Internet.

In addition, advertisements that appear in search engine results can be a prime example. Such advertising responds to the user’s request here and now, exactly at the search time.

SEO promotion

The main goal of SEO is to make the site attractive to search bots to be on the first lines of the search results. Optimization consists of improving the site’s structure and content, the page code, adding meta tags and descriptions and increasing the correspondence of pages to search queries.

Search engines strive to serve users with relevant sites containing unique and useful content. For SEO optimization, it is important to know your audience well, its pains and tasks to publish the most interesting material.

Content marketing

It is about spreading brand awareness and building a positive reputation in customers’ eyes. It consists of continuous work with its website, maintaining pages in social networks and communication with the media.

Companies that have thought out their content strategy well, can talk about themselves and work with the opinion of users will receive not just buyers but brand ambassadors – loyal customers who will protect and promote the brand among their acquaintances and friends.

Native advertising

Imagine reading an interesting article on a popular website about marketing, design and technology, and then realize that it was an advertisement. This is native advertising, a softer and more sophisticated way to tell you about a product.

Native ads are branded content in an article format. It is focused not only on advertising but also on value to the audience and is often educational or media. This type of advertising causes less rejection among readers, as it is done more thoughtfully and with care for the reader.

A native is not a direct commercial offer with a “buy” message. According to research, this format is perceived 53 % better than banners. And the better the content is written, the more people will share it with their friends.

Read More: Business ideas for making money on the Internet

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